Jan 11, 2011

Satay chicken salad

Usually, I find chicken salads a little too dry, unless it's a really well made Ceaser's salad (and I haven't found the perfect recipe for that yet). But my all time favorite home-made salad is Satay chicken salad:

The recipe is really easy and preparation time very limited:

1 mango
1-2 avocado
1/2 bag of spinach
2-3 tomatoes
1/2 cucumber
feta cheese
1 bag of pine nuts
1-2 chicken breasts
1 cup of satay sauce

I cut the chicken down, and fry on each side until brown and then add the satay sauce. You can either get the sauce at the grocery store or make it self. The latter is both better and healthier (4 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon grated ginger, 2-3 pieces of garlic, juice from 1 lime, 400 ml coconut milk and around 200 gr of pure peanut butter - bring to boil and add a little more soy sauce, coconut butter or even a tad of agave sirup, it's supposed to be a little sweet).

Stir around until the chicken is ready (I'm really salmonella phobic, so I prefer the chicken a little overcooked to pink).


  1. mm girnilegt! En má ég spurja þig hvers vegna þú bloggar á ensku? :)

  2. Æ það var nú bara svo dönsku vinkonurnar þyrftu ekki að vera í áskrift hjá google translate :) Svo bý ég náttúrulega úti, þetta breytist kannski þegar að því kemur að við flytjum heim.

  3. En annars, hæ og takk fyrir að lesa anínómús :)

  4. Já ég skil þig :)
    frábært blogg hjá þér.. kíki mörgum sinnum á dag!
    Mátt endilega setja fleiri svon girnilegar og hollar uppskriftir inn ef þú lumar á..

    kv. Sigrún (Anímús) ;)

  5. Vá, takk kærlega fyrir :)
    Já ég geri það, á nokkrar uppáhalds sem eiga eftir að koma inn.
