Aug 26, 2012

Recommended - Almond Oil as a moisturizer

Around 6 months ago I found my current beauty therapist, Mona (at Mynthe). Mona is btw absolutely amazing and her calm yet vibrant personality makes the (sometimes painful) treatments actually enjoyable. The beauty clinique, Mynthe, uses primarliy natural and organic products that my skin just loves. You can´t even buy the masks they use, because the lack of conservatives causes them to last for a week, max. That - to me - is recommendation enough.

Mona taught me to use Almond Oil as a night cream, body lotion and even a conditioner. Although I prefer coconut oil as a hair treatment, Almond Oil (preferrably organic) is the absolute best night cream I have ever used. And it feels so good to use just raw, 100% natural product.

I buy organic almond oil at Mynte for around 95 DKK.


  1. Verð að prófa þetta, elska allt svona náttúrulegt!

  2. Já thad er snilld, get keypt svona fyrir thig næst thegar ég fer til Monu :-)
